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  • Key events for next week: UK and Australia unemployment rate, RBNZ interest rate decision, UK and US CPI, eurozone and UK GDP, US and UK retail sales
Tin tức thị trường

Key events for next week: UK and Australia unemployment rate, RBNZ interest rate decision, UK and US CPI, eurozone and UK GDP, US and UK retail sales

On Monday, at 12:00 GMT, OPEC's monthly oil market report will be released. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the number of building permits for June. At 18:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in the federal budget for July. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will announce the number of tourists arriving for June. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will present the producer price index for July.

On Tuesday, at 00:30 GMT, Australia will release the consumer confidence index from Westpac for August, and at 01:30 GMT - the wage price index for the 2nd quarter and the business confidence index from the National Bank of Australia for July. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce changes in claimant count for July, as well as average wages and unemployment rates for June. At 09:00 GMT, Germany and the eurozone will publish the ZEW economic sentiment index for August. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will present the producer price index for July.

On Wednesday, at 02:00 GMT, in New Zealand, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's interest rate decision will be announced, and at 03:00 GMT - the RBNZ press conference will be held. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will publish the consumer price index, the retail price index and the producer price index for July. At 06:45 GMT, France will release the consumer price index for July. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will announce changes in GDP and employment levels for the 2nd quarter, as well as industrial production for June. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will present the consumer price index for July. At 14:30 GMT, the United States will report changes in oil and petroleum products reserves over the past week. At 22:45 GMT, in New Zealand, the food price index for July will be released. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will announce the change in GDP for the 2nd quarter.

On Thursday, at 01:00 GMT, Australia will announce a change in consumer price inflation expectations for August. At 01:30 GMT, Australia will report changes in the unemployment rate and the number of people employed for July. At 02:00 GMT, China will announce changes in the fixed asset investment, industrial production and retail sales for July. At 04:30 GMT, Japan will report a change in industrial production for June. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce changes in GDP and business investment for the 2nd quarter, as well as the goods trade balance, manufacturing production and industrial production for June. At 06:30 GMT, Switzerland will release the producer and import price index for July. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in wholesale sales for June. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will publish the Empire state manufacturing index for August, the Philly Fed manufacturing index for August and the import price index for July. In addition, at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in the unemployment claims for the past week and retail sales for July. At 13:15 GMT, the United States will report changes in industrial production for July. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will release the NAHB housing market index for August and announce changes in business inventories for June. At 20:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in the net long-term securities transactions for June. At 22:30 GMT, New Zealand will present the BusinessNZ manufacturing index for July, and at 22:45 GMT - the producer price index for the 2nd quarter.

On Friday, at 04:30 GMT, Japan will release the index of activity in the service sector for June. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce a change in retail sales for July. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will report a change in the trade balance for June. At 12:15 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the housing starts for July. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce changes in the foreign securities purchases for June and the volume of manufacturing sales for June. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce a change in the building permits and housing starts for July. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will publish the Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index for August. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes report on active oil platforms for the past week will be released.

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