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  • Tin tức thị trường
  • Key events for next week: UK and Australia unemployment rate, China, Germany and US CPI, UK GDP, Fed and Bank of Japan interest rate decision, eurozone industrial production, China and the US producer price index
Tin tức thị trường

Key events for next week: UK and Australia unemployment rate, China, Germany and US CPI, UK GDP, Fed and Bank of Japan interest rate decision, eurozone industrial production, China and the US producer price index

On Monday, at 05:00 GMT, Japan will release the Economy Watchers sentiment index for May. At 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will publish the SECO consumer climate index for May. At 08:30 GMT, the eurozone will present the Sentix investor confidence indicator for June.

On Tuesday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will publish the NAB business confidence index for May. At 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce changes in claimant count change for May, as well as the average earnings and ILO unemployment rate for April. At 12:00 GMT, OPEC's monthly oil market report will be released. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in construction permits for April. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will announce a change in the visitor arrivals for April.

On Wednesday, at 01:30 GMT, China will publish the consumer price index and the producer price index for May. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will present the consumer price index for May. Also at 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce a change in the goods trade balance, GDP, manufacturing and industrial production in April. At 12:30 GMT, the US will release the consumer price index for May. At 14:30 GMT, the United States will report changes in crude oil inventories over the past week. At 18:00 GMT, in the US, the Fed's interest rate decision will be announced, and at 18:30 GMT - the Fed's press conference will be held.

On Thursday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce changes in the unemployment rate and the number of people employed for May. At 06:30 GMT, Switzerland will present the producer and import price index for May. At 07:00 GMT, a meeting of the Eurogroup will be held. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will report changes in industrial production for April. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will release the producer price index for May and announce a change in the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits over the past week. At 22:30 GMT, New Zealand will present the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector for May.

On Friday, at 03:00 GMT, in Japan, the Bank of Japan's interest rate decision will be announced. At 04:30 GMT, Japan will publish an index of activity in the service sector and announce changes in industrial production for April. At 06:30 GMT, in Japan, the Bank of Japan press conference will be held. At 06:45 GMT, France will release the consumer price index for May. At 07:00 GMT, a meeting of the Eurogroup will be held. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will announce a change in the trade balance for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will report a change in wholesale sales for April. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will present the import price index for May. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will publish the Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index for June. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes oil rig count report will be released.

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