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  • Key events for next week: US consumer confidence index, Germany and eurozone CPI, eurozone unemployment rate, US and Canada GDP, China PMI indices, US personal income and spending
Tin tức thị trường

Key events for next week: US consumer confidence index, Germany and eurozone CPI, eurozone unemployment rate, US and Canada GDP, China PMI indices, US personal income and spending

On Monday, at 08:00 GMT, Germany will release the IFO business optimism index, the IFO economic expectations index and the IFO current situation assessment indicator for May.

On Tuesday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in retail sales for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will present the producer price index for April. At 13:00 GMT, the US will publish the S&P/CaseShiller housing price index for March, and at 14:00 GMT - the consumer confidence index for May.

On Wednesday, at 01:00 GMT, Australia will release the Westpac leading index for April. Also at 01:00 GMT, New Zealand will present the ANZ business confidence index for May. At 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in the construction work done for the 1st quarter and release the consumer price index for April. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will publish the consumer confidence index for May. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will present the Gfk consumer confidence index for June. At 06:45 GMT, France will release the consumer confidence index for May. At 08:00 GMT, Switzerland will publish the ZEW Institute's economic expectations index for May. At 08:00 GMT, the eurozone will report changes in the M3 money supply aggregate and consumer lending volume for April. At 12:00 GMT, in the Germany, the consumer price index for May will be released. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will present the Richmond manufacturing index for May. At 18:00 GMT, in the United States, the Fed "Beige Book" will be released. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will announce a change in building permits for April.

On Thursday, 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in private capital expenditures for the 1st quarter. At 06:00 GMT, Switzerland will report a change in the trade balance for April, and at 07:00 GMT - the volume of GDP for the 1st quarter. Also at 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will release the KOF index of leading indicators for May. At 07:55 GMT, Germany will announce changes in the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate for May. At 09:00 GMT, in the eurozone, the consumer confidence index for May will be released. Also at 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will announce a change in the unemployment rate for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the current account for the 1st quarter. In addition, at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in GDP for the 1st quarter and the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits over the past week. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will report a change in pending home sales for April, and at 15:00 GMT - a change in crude oil inventories over the past week. At 23:30 GMT, Japan will present the Tokyo consumer price index for May and announce a change in the unemployment rate for April. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will report changes in industrial production and retail sales for April.

On Friday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in private sector lending for April. Also at 01:30 GMT, China will release business activity indices in the service and manufacturing sectors for May. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will announce a change in the housing starts for April. At 05:30 GMT, France will report a change in the private payrolls for the 1st quarter. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will announce a change in retail sales for April. At 06:30, Switzerland will announce the retail trade change for April. At 06:45 GMT, France will release a report on GDP for the 1st quarter and the consumer price index for May. At 08:30 GMT, Britain will report changes in the M4 money supply aggregate, the number of approved mortgage applications and the net volume of consumer lending for April. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will release the consumer price index for May. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce the change in GDP for the 1st quarter. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in personal income and spending for April and release the personal consumption expenditure price index for April. At 13:45 GMT, the United States will publish the Chicago PMI for May. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes oil rig count report will be released.

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