Chicago Federal National Activity Index
Дата Фактичне Прогноз Попереднє
23-12-24 13:30 -0.12 -0.1 -0.50 (-0.40)
22-07-24 12:30 0.05 0.3 0.23 (0.18)
22-04-24 12:30 0.15 0.09 0.09 (0.05)
26-12-23 13:30 0.03 0.2 -0.49
21-11-23 13:30 -0.49 -0.02 (0.02)
23-10-23 12:30 0.02 -0.22 (-0.16)
25-09-23 12:30 -0.16 0.07 (0.12)
24-08-23 12:30 0.12 -0.33 (-0.32)
24-07-23 12:30 -0.32 0.03 -0.28 (-0.15)
22-06-23 12:30 -0.15 0.14 (0.07)
25-05-23 12:30 0.07 -0.37 (-0.19)
24-04-23 12:30 -0.19 -0.19
23-03-23 12:30 -0.19 0.23
23-02-23 13:30 0.23 -0.46 (-0.49)
26-01-23 13:30 -0.51 -0.05
21-11-22 13:30 -0.05 0.17 (0.1)
24-10-22 12:30 0.1 0.1
26-09-22 12:30 0 0.27
22-08-22 12:30 0.27 -0.25 (-0.19)
25-07-22 12:30 -0.19 -0.19 (0.01)
21-06-22 12:30 0.01 0.4 (0.47)
23-05-22 12:30 0.47 0.36 (0.44)
25-04-22 12:30 0.44 0.54 (0.51)
21-03-22 12:30 0.51 0.59 (0.69)
24-02-22 13:30 0.69 0.07 (-0.15)
24-01-22 13:30 -0.15 0.44 (0.37)
22-12-21 13:30 0.37 0.75 (0.76)
22-11-21 13:30 0.76 -0.18 (-0.13)
25-10-21 12:30 -0.13 0.05 (0.29)
23-09-21 12:30 0.29 0.75 (0.53)
23-08-21 12:30 0.53 -0.01 (0.09)
22-07-21 12:30 0.09 0.26 (0.29)
21-06-21 12:30 0.29 -0.09 (0.24)
24-05-21 12:30 0.24 1.71
22-04-21 12:30 1.71 -1.2 (-1.09)
22-03-21 12:30 -1.09 0.75 (0.66)
22-02-21 13:30 0.66 0.41 (0.52)
25-01-21 13:30 0.52 0.31 (0.27)
21-12-20 13:30 0.27 1.01 (0.83)
23-11-20 13:30 0.83 0.32 (0.27)
26-10-20 12:30 0.27 0.39 1.11 (0.79)
21-09-20 12:30 0.79 1.95 2.54 (1.18)
24-08-20 12:30 1.18 5.33 (4.11)
21-07-20 12:30 4.11 3.50 (2.61)
22-06-20 12:30 2.61 -17.89 (-16.74)
26-05-20 12:30 -16.74 -4.97 (-4.19)
20-04-20 12:30 -4.19 0.06 (0.16)
23-03-20 12:30 0.16 -0.33 (-0.25)
24-02-20 13:30 -0.25 -0.92 -0.51 (-0.35)
23-12-19 13:30 0.56 -0.09 -0.76 (-0.71)
25-11-19 13:30 -0.71 -0.43 -0.45
28-10-19 12:30 -0.45 -0.37 0.15 (0.10)
23-09-19 12:30 0.10 -0.35 -0.41 (-0.36)
26-08-19 12:30 -0.36 0.03 (-0.02)
22-07-19 12:30 -0.02 0.10 -0.03 (-0.05)
24-06-19 12:30 -0.05 -0.37 -0.48 (-0.45)
20-05-19 12:30 -0.45 -0.33 0.05 (-0.15)
22-04-19 12:30 -0.15 2.55 -0.31 (-0.29)
25-03-19 12:30 -0.29 -0.25 -0.25 (-0.43)
25-02-19 13:30 -0.43 0.05 (0.27)
28-01-19 13:30 0.27 0.21 (0.22)
24-12-18 13:30 0.22 0.00 (0.24)
26-11-18 13:30 0.24 0.14 (0.17)
22-10-18 12:30 0.17 0.27 (0.18)
24-09-18 12:30 0.18 0.02 0.18 (0.13)
27-08-18 12:30 0.13 0.13 0.48 (0.43)
23-07-18 12:30 0.43 -0.45 (-0.15)
25-06-18 12:30 -0.15 0.09 0.42 (0.34)
21-05-18 12:30 0.34 0.14 0.32 (0.10)
23-04-18 12:30 0.10 0.27 0.98 (0.88)
26-03-18 12:30 0.88 0.15 0.02 (0.12)
26-02-18 13:30 0.12 0.20 0.14 (0.27)
22-01-18 13:30 0.27 0.44 0.11 (0.15)
21-12-17 13:30 0.15 0.09 0.76 (0.65)
21-11-17 13:30 0.65 0.20 0.36 (0.17)
23-10-17 12:30 0.17 -0.10 -0.37 (-0.31)
25-09-17 12:30 -0.31 0.03 (-0.01)
21-08-17 12:30 -0.01 0.16 (0.13)
27-07-17 12:30 0.13 0.35 -0.30 (-0.26)
26-06-17 12:30 -0.26 0.57 (0.49)
22-05-17 12:30 0.49 0.07 (0.08)
24-04-17 12:30 0.08 0.27 (0.34)
20-03-17 12:30 0.34 -0.02 (-0.05)
22-08-16 12:30 0.27 0.05 (0.16)
19-05-16 12:30 0.1 -0.55 (-0.44)
22-01-16 13:30 -0.22 -0.36 (-0.3)
22-10-15 12:30 -0.37 -0.39 (-0.41)
24-09-15 12:30 -0.41 0.51 (0.34)
24-08-15 12:30 0.34 -0.07 (0.08)
26-11-14 14:45 60.8 63.1 66.2
23-01-14 13:30 0.16 0.69 (0.60)
23-12-13 13:30 +0.60 -0.07 (-0.18)
27-11-13 13:30 -0,18 0.1 0.18 (0.14)
12-11-13 13:30 0.14 0.15 0.13 (0.14)
23-09-13 12:30 +0.14 -0.05 -0.43 (-0.15)
20-08-13 12:30 -0.15 -0.13
22-07-13 12:30 -0.13 0.0 -0.29
24-06-13 12:30 -0.30 -0.52 (-0.53)
20-05-13 12:30 -0.53 -0.23
22-04-13 12:30 -0.23 0.44
25-03-13 12:30 0.44 -0.49
25-02-13 13:30 -0.49 0.25
22-01-13 13:30 0.25 0.27
21-12-12 13:30 0.27 -0.64
26-11-12 13:30 -0.64 0.18 0.00
25-10-12 12:30 0.00 -0.20 -0.87
24-09-12 12:30 -0.87 -0.13
20-08-12 12:30 -0.13 -0.34
23-07-12 12:30 -0.15 -0.48
25-06-12 12:30 -0.48 0.08
21-05-12 12:30 0.08 -0.29
26-04-12 12:30 -0.29 -0.09
26-03-12 13:30 -0.09 0.22
21-02-12 13:30 0.22 0.17
26-01-12 13:30 0.17 -0.37
22-12-11 13:30 -0.37 -0.13
21-11-11 13:30 -0.13 -0.22
24-10-11 12:30 -0.22 -0.43
Країна U.S.
Джерело Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


The index is a weighted average of 85 existing monthly indicators of national economic activity. The 85 economic indicators are drawn from four broad categories of data: production and income; employment, unemployment, and hours; personal consumption and housing; and sales, orders, and inventories. The derived index provides a single, summary measure of a factor common to these national economic data.

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This indicator has almost no influence on the dynamics of the dollar.