RICS House Price Balance
Дата Фактичне Прогноз Попереднє
09-11-23 00:01 -63% -65% -67% (-69%)
11-10-23 23:01 -69% -63% -68%
13-09-23 23:01 -68% -56% -55% (-53%)
09-08-23 23:01 -53% -50% -48% (-46%)
12-07-23 23:01 -46% -34% -30%
07-06-23 23:01 -30% -38% -39%
10-05-23 23:01 -39% -40% -43%
12-04-23 23:01 -43% -48% -47% (-48%)
09-03-23 00:01 -48% -49% -46% (-47%)
11-10-22 23:01 32% 45% 51% (53%)
07-09-22 23:01 53% 61% 62% (63%)
10-08-22 23:01 63% 60% 65%
13-07-22 23:01 65% 72% (73%)
08-06-22 23:01 73% 80%
15-04-15 23:01 21% 15% 14%
12-03-15 00:01 14% 6% 7%
12-02-15 00:01 7% 10% 12% (11%)
15-01-15 00:01 11% 11% 13%
11-12-14 00:01 13% 15% 20%
13-11-14 00:01 20% 25% 30%
08-10-14 23:01 30% 38% 40%
10-09-14 23:01 40% 47% 49%
13-08-14 23:01 49% 51% 53%
09-07-14 23:01 53% 55% 57%
11-06-14 23:01 57% 52% 55% (54%)
07-05-14 23:01 54% 55% 57%
09-04-14 23:01 57% 44% 47% (45%)
13-03-14 00:01 45% 52% 52% (53%)
13-02-14 00:01 53% 59% 56%
16-01-14 00:01 56% 59% 58%
10-12-13 00:01 58% 59% 57%
12-11-13 00:01 57% 59% 53% (54%)
07-10-13 23:01 54% 45% 41% (40%)
09-09-13 23:01 40% 38% 36%
12-08-13 23:01 36% 25% 21%
10-06-13 23:01 5% 2% 1%
13-05-13 23:01 +1% -2% -1%
08-04-13 23:01 -1% -5% -7%
12-03-13 00:01 -6% -1% -4%
12-02-13 00:01 -4% 0% 0%
15-01-13 00:01 0% -8% -9%
11-12-12 00:01 -9% -5% -7%
13-11-12 00:01 -7% -15% -15%
08-10-12 23:01 -15% -20% -19%
10-09-12 23:01 -19% -22% -24%
13-08-12 23:01 -24% -23% -22%
09-07-12 23:01 -22% -15% -16%
11-06-12 23:01 -16% -17% -19%
07-05-12 23:01 -19% -10% -10%
10-04-12 02:01 -10% -13%
09-04-12 23:01 -10% -12% -13%
13-03-12 00:01 -13% -13% -16%
14-02-12 00:01 -16% -14% -16%
10-01-12 00:01 -16% -18% -17%
13-12-11 00:01 -17% -25% -24%
08-11-11 00:01 -24% -23% -23%
10-10-11 23:01 -23% -23% -23%
12-09-11 23:01 -23% -22% -22%
08-08-11 23:01 -22% -26%
11-07-11 23:01 -27% -25% -28%
13-06-11 23:01 -28% -20% -21%
09-05-11 23:01 -21% -22% -23%
11-04-11 23:01 -23% -23% -26%
08-03-11 00:01 -26% -26% -31%
08-02-11 00:01 -31% -38% -39%
18-01-11 00:01 -39% -43% -44%
14-12-10 00:01 -44% -50% -49%
09-11-10 11:00 -49% -39% -36%
11-10-10 11:00 -36% -34% -32%
13-09-10 11:00 -32% -11% -8%
09-08-10 11:00 -8% 5% 8%
12-07-10 11:00 9% 20% 21%
14-06-10 11:00 22% 16% 19%
10-05-10 11:00 17% 11% 9%
12-04-10 11:00 9% 18% 18%
09-03-10 11:00 17% 34% 31%
09-02-10 11:00 32% 28% 30%
12-01-10 11:00 30% 38% 35%
15-12-09 11:00 35% 39% 34%
10-11-09 11:00 34% 29% 21%
12-10-09 11:00 22% 15% 10%
14-09-09 11:00 11% -1% -6%
10-08-09 11:00 -8% -9% -17%
13-07-09 11:00 -18% -40% -44%
08-06-09 11:00 -44% -52% -59%
11-05-09 11:00 -60% -70% -72%
14-04-09 11:00 -73% -77% -78%
10-03-09 11:00 -78% -76% -77%
10-02-09 11:00 -76% -72% -74%
13-01-09 11:00 -74% -74% -76%
09-12-08 11:00 -77% -83% -81%
11-11-08 11:00 -82% -86% -85%
13-10-08 11:00 -84% -85% -82%
08-09-08 11:00 -81% -85% -83%
11-08-08 11:00 -84% -90% -87%
14-07-08 11:00 -88% -94% -92%
09-06-08 11:00 -93% -97% -95%
12-05-08 11:00 -95% -80% -80%
14-04-08 11:00 -79% -67% -66%
11-03-08 11:00 -64% -55% -55%
13-02-08 11:00 -55% -52% -49%
16-01-08 11:00 -49% -45% -41%
13-12-07 11:00 -41% -29% -24%
13-11-07 11:00 -22% -19% -15%
10-10-07 11:00 -15% -3% -3%
12-09-07 11:00 -2% 10% 11%
13-08-07 11:00 13% 9% 10%
11-07-07 11:00 11% 21% 23%
13-06-07 11:00 24% 25% 29%
14-05-07 11:00 29% 24% 27%
11-04-07 11:00 26% 22% 25%
13-03-07 11:00 24% 24% 28%
15-02-07 11:00 28% 34% 37%
16-01-07 11:00 37% 46% 47%
Країна United Kingdom
Джерело RICS


The indicator represents expectations for house prices. The index is calculated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The values above zero show overgrowing number of those who predict the prices advance during the next 6 months and vice versa.

Вплив на ринок

As a rule the index has no strong immediate influence on the British Pound. Additionally, it is a leading indicator that allows determining real estate market situation in Great Britainfor the coming months. In general, the index growth is a positive sign for the Sterling rate.