Building Permits, y/y
Дата Фактичне Прогноз Попереднє
01-04-15 00:30 14.3% 9.1%
03-03-15 00:30 +9.1% +9.6% (+8.8%)
03-02-15 00:30 +8.8% +10.1%
08-01-15 00:30 +10.1% +2.5%
02-12-14 00:30 +2.5% -11.4% (-13.4%)
03-11-14 00:30 -13.4% +14.5%
02-10-14 01:30 +14.5% +9.4%
02-09-14 01:30 +9.4% +16.0%
31-07-14 01:30 +16.0% +15.2% (+14.3%)
03-07-14 01:30 +14.3% +1.1%
02-06-14 01:30 +1.1% +20.0%
05-05-14 01:30 +20.0% +23.2%
02-04-14 00:30 +23.2% +34.6%
04-03-14 00:30 +34.6% +21.8%
03-02-14 00:30 +21.8% +23.6% (+22.2%)
09-01-14 00:30 +22.2% +20.1% +23.1%
02-12-13 00:30 +23.1% +17.0% +18.6%
31-10-13 00:30 18.6% +1.2% +11.1% (+7.7%)
02-10-13 01:30 +7.7% +12.3% +28.3%
02-09-13 01:30 +28.3% +20.0% -13.0%
30-07-13 01:30 -13.0% 0.0% -2.2% (-3.2%)
04-07-13 01:30 -3.2% -0.1% +28.8% (+27.3%)
30-05-13 01:30 +27.3% +22.5% +3.9%
02-05-13 01:30 +3.9% +13.6% +12.8%
04-04-13 00:30 +10% +14.3% +12.8%
04-03-13 00:30 +9.9% +8.1% +9.3%
04-02-13 00:30 +9.3% +14.9% +13.2%
10-01-13 00:30 +13.2% +11.6% +14.5%
04-12-12 00:30 +14.5% +20.2% +12.4%
31-10-12 00:30 12.4% +2.1% -12.8%
04-10-12 01:30 -15.4% -14.3% -10.6%
30-08-12 01:30 +4.8% +6.0% +10.2%
31-07-12 01:30 +10.2% +9.3%
03-07-12 01:30 +9.3% -15.2% -24.1%
31-05-12 01:30 -24.1% -13.8% -15.0%
07-05-12 01:30 -15.0% -18.0% -15.2%
02-04-12 01:30 -15.2% -5.3% -14.6%
01-03-12 00:30 -14.6% -13.7% -24.5%
02-02-12 00:30 -24.5% -22.1% -18.9%
10-01-12 00:30 -18.9% -19.8% -29.8%
01-12-11 00:30 -29.8% -14.4% -12.0%
02-11-11 00:30 -12.0% +0.1% -5.5%
04-10-11 00:30 -5.5% -15.1% -15.0%
30-08-11 00:30 -14.3% -14.3%
02-08-11 00:30 -14.3% -13.3%
04-07-11 00:30 -13.3% -5.6% -12.3%
31-05-11 00:30 -12.3% -12.7% -18.1%
05-05-11 00:30 -18.1% -25.2% -21.8%
31-03-11 00:30 -21.8% -12.8% -24.8%
03-03-11 00:30 -24.8% -5.0%
03-02-11 00:30 -5.0% -13.7% -9.9%
06-01-11 00:30 -9.9% 3.5%
30-11-10 00:30 3.5% -7.2%
03-11-10 00:30 -7.2% -3.7% 9.8%
30-09-10 00:30 9.8% 10.8% 12.6%
31-08-10 11:00 12.6% 6.1% 18.5%
03-08-10 11:00 18.5% 16.0% 34.1%
01-07-10 11:00 34.1% 32.5% 29.6%
01-06-10 11:00 29.6% 59.1%
05-05-10 11:00 59.1% 25.6% 40.1%
31-03-10 11:00 40.1% 40.1%
02-03-10 11:00 40.1% 38.1% 59.2%
04-02-10 11:00 59.2% 57.9%
06-01-10 11:00 57.9% 38.2% 41.1%
01-12-09 11:00 41.1% 17.2%
04-11-09 11:00 17.2% 9.6% 18.2%
30-09-09 11:00 18.2% 1.5% 1.7%
01-09-09 11:00 1.7% -9.1% -2.4%
30-07-09 11:00 -2.4% -11.6%
01-07-09 11:00 -11.6% -6.9% -17.9%
02-06-09 11:00 -17.9% -21.7% -14.2%
05-05-09 11:00 -14.2% -18.9% -14.6%
01-04-09 11:00 -14.6% -30.0% -28.1%
05-03-09 11:00 -28.1% -34.7%
04-02-09 11:00 -34.7% -29.7% -34.4%
08-01-09 11:00 -34.4% -26.0%
04-12-08 11:00 -26.0% -21.5% -21.6%
05-11-08 11:00 -21.6% -14.3% -8.6%
30-09-08 11:00 -8.6% -4.5% -3.7%
02-09-08 11:00 -3.7% -6.4% -7.8%
30-07-08 11:00 -7.8% -4.1% 0.2%
02-07-08 11:00 0.2% 7.2% 5.2%
03-06-08 11:00 5.2% -3.3% -0.7%
01-05-08 11:00 -0.7% -1.6%
07-04-08 11:00 -1.6% 5.1%
06-03-08 11:00 5.1% -0.9%
05-02-08 11:00 -0.9% 14.1%
08-01-08 11:00 14.1% 14.1%
Країна Australia
Джерело Australian Bureau of Statistics


It causes a limited influence over the Australian Dollar dynamics. The Index growth or the actual value raise exceeding the forecast is a positive sign for the Australian currency.

Вплив на ринок

It causes a limited influence over the Australian Dollar dynamics. The Index growth or the actual value raise exceeding the forecast is a positive sign for the Australian currency.