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  • Key events for next week: Canada CPI, US, UK and Canada GDP, US personal income and spending, China PMI indices
Notizie economiche

Key events for next week: Canada CPI, US, UK and Canada GDP, US personal income and spending, China PMI indices

On Monday, at 08:00 GMT, Germany will release the IFO business optimism index, the IFO economic expectations index and the IFO current situation assessment indicator for June. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will publish the Chicago Fed national activity index for May.

On Tuesday, 00:30 GMT, Australia will present the Westpac consumer confidence index for June. At 05:00 GMT, in Japan, the leading index for April will be released. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will release the consumer price index for May. At 13:00 GMT, the United States will publish the S&P/CaseShiller housing price index for April, and at 14:00 GMT, the Richmond manufacturing index and the consumer confidence index for June.

On Wednesday, at 01:00 GMT, Australia will release the MI leading index for May, and at 01:30 GMT - the consumer price index for May. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will present the Gfk consumer confidence index for July. At 08:00 GMT, in Switzerland, the UBS economic expectations index for June will be released, and at 13:00 GMT - SNB quarterly bulletin. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in new home sales for May, and at 14:30 GMT - a change in crude oil inventories over the past week. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will report a change in retail sales for May.

On Thursday, 01:00 GMT, Australia will announce a change in inflation expectations for June. Also at 01:00 GMT, New Zealand will release the ANZ business confidence index for June. At 08:00 GMT, the eurozone will report changes in the M3 money supply and private loans for May. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will present the consumer confidence index for June. At 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in GDP for the 1st quarter, durable goods orders for May and the unemployment claims over the past week. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will announce a change in pending home sales for May. At 23:30 GMT, Japan will publish the Tokyo CPI for June, as well as report changes in the unemployment rate for May. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will announce a change in industrial production for May.

On Friday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in private sector credit for May. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will announce a change in the housing starts for May. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will announce a change in retail sales for May. Also at 06:00 GMT, Britain will announce changes in GDP, the volume of business investment and current account for the 1st quarter. At 0645 GMT, France will release the consumer price index for June and report changes in consumer spending for May. At 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will present the KOF economic barometer index for June. At 07:55 GMT, Germany will announce changes in the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate for June. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will report the change in GDP for April. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in personal income and spending for May, as well as release the core PCE price index for May. At 13:45 GMT, the United States will present the Chicago PMI index for June, and at 14:00 GMT - the Reuters/Michigan consumer sentiment index for June. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes oil rig count report will be released.

On Sunday, at 01:30 GMT, China will release the manufacturing PMI and non-manufacturing PMI for June. Parliamentary elections will also be held in France on Sunday. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will publish the Tankan manufacturing index and Tankan non-manufacturing index for the 2nd quarter.

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