Ekonomické zprávy

Options levels on monday, September 30, 2024


Resistance levels (open interest**, contracts)

$1.1273 (1306)

$1.1243 (2375)

$1.1212 (4698)

Цена на момент написания обзора: $1.1168

Support levels (open interest**, contracts):

$1.1127 (1566)

$1.1089 (2153)

$1.1045 (2202)


- Overall open interest on the CALL options and PUT options with the expiration date October, 4 is 117815 contracts (according to data from September, 27) with the maximum number of contracts with strike price $1,0500 (9179);


$1.3482 (599)

$1.3451 (511)

$1.3427 (273)

Price at time of writing this review: $1.3384

Support levels (open interest**, contracts):

$1.3291 (691)

$1.3235 (81)

$1.3192 (1534)


- Overall open interest on the CALL options with the expiration date October, 4 is 22606 contracts, with the maximum number of contracts with strike price $1,3050 (5285);

- Overall open interest on the PUT options with the expiration date October, 4 is 23602 contracts, with the maximum number of contracts with strike price $1,2850 (7109);

- The ratio of PUT/CALL was 1.04 versus 1.06 from the previous trading day according to data from September, 27

* - The Chicago Mercantile Exchange bulletin (CME) is used for the calculation.

** - Open interest takes into account the total number of option contracts that are open at the moment.

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