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  • Key events for next week: US consumer confidence index, Germany and eurozone CPI, eurozone unemployment rate, US and Canada GDP, China PMI indices, US personal income and spending
Ekonomické zprávy

Key events for next week: US consumer confidence index, Germany and eurozone CPI, eurozone unemployment rate, US and Canada GDP, China PMI indices, US personal income and spending

On Monday, at 08:00 GMT, Germany will release the IFO business optimism index, the IFO economic expectations index and the IFO current situation assessment indicator for May.

On Tuesday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in retail sales for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will present the producer price index for April. At 13:00 GMT, the US will publish the S&P/CaseShiller housing price index for March, and at 14:00 GMT - the consumer confidence index for May.

On Wednesday, at 01:00 GMT, Australia will release the Westpac leading index for April. Also at 01:00 GMT, New Zealand will present the ANZ business confidence index for May. At 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in the construction work done for the 1st quarter and release the consumer price index for April. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will publish the consumer confidence index for May. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will present the Gfk consumer confidence index for June. At 06:45 GMT, France will release the consumer confidence index for May. At 08:00 GMT, Switzerland will publish the ZEW Institute's economic expectations index for May. At 08:00 GMT, the eurozone will report changes in the M3 money supply aggregate and consumer lending volume for April. At 12:00 GMT, in the Germany, the consumer price index for May will be released. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will present the Richmond manufacturing index for May. At 18:00 GMT, in the United States, the Fed "Beige Book" will be released. At 22:45 GMT, New Zealand will announce a change in building permits for April.

On Thursday, 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in private capital expenditures for the 1st quarter. At 06:00 GMT, Switzerland will report a change in the trade balance for April, and at 07:00 GMT - the volume of GDP for the 1st quarter. Also at 07:00 GMT, Switzerland will release the KOF index of leading indicators for May. At 07:55 GMT, Germany will announce changes in the number of unemployed and the unemployment rate for May. At 09:00 GMT, in the eurozone, the consumer confidence index for May will be released. Also at 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will announce a change in the unemployment rate for April. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce a change in the current account for the 1st quarter. In addition, at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in GDP for the 1st quarter and the number of initial applications for unemployment benefits over the past week. At 14:00 GMT, the United States will report a change in pending home sales for April, and at 15:00 GMT - a change in crude oil inventories over the past week. At 23:30 GMT, Japan will present the Tokyo consumer price index for May and announce a change in the unemployment rate for April. At 23:50 GMT, Japan will report changes in industrial production and retail sales for April.

On Friday, at 01:30 GMT, Australia will announce a change in private sector lending for April. Also at 01:30 GMT, China will release business activity indices in the service and manufacturing sectors for May. At 05:00 GMT, Japan will announce a change in the housing starts for April. At 05:30 GMT, France will report a change in the private payrolls for the 1st quarter. At 06:00 GMT, Germany will announce a change in retail sales for April. At 06:30, Switzerland will announce the retail trade change for April. At 06:45 GMT, France will release a report on GDP for the 1st quarter and the consumer price index for May. At 08:30 GMT, Britain will report changes in the M4 money supply aggregate, the number of approved mortgage applications and the net volume of consumer lending for April. At 09:00 GMT, the eurozone will release the consumer price index for May. At 12:30 GMT, Canada will announce the change in GDP for the 1st quarter. Also at 12:30 GMT, the United States will announce changes in personal income and spending for April and release the personal consumption expenditure price index for April. At 13:45 GMT, the United States will publish the Chicago PMI for May. At 17:00 GMT, in the United States, the Baker Hughes oil rig count report will be released.

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