Profit ? Trader's profit — an indicator reflecting the result of the Trader's financial operations. The amount of profit is calculated based on the changes in the state of the trading account. Balance transactions do not take part in the calculation of the Trader's profit.
Max daily profit
Avg daily profit
Max daily loss
Avg daily loss
Volatility of daily yield ? The volatility of the daily yield reflects the level of daily fluctuations in the yield relative to its average value. Volatility in returns carries risk. The higher the volatility of daily returns, the higher the risk.
All time
Last 14 days
Drawdown ? Drawdown is a value that characterizes the current profitability of a trading account relative to the historical maximum. The maximum drawdown reflects the maximum decrease in profitability on the account for the entire trading period. The calculation is carried out from the previous local maximum, while the largest value is selected.
Cur drawdown
Max drawdown
Recovery factor ? Recovery factor is an indicator of the ratio of the Trader's profitability to the maximum drawdown on the account. The recovery factor shows how much the current yield is higher than the maximum drawdown depth. If two traders have the same returns, the trader with the higher recovery factor will be the best trader. If there is no drawdown, the Recovery Factor indicator is not displayed on the Trader's page.
Sharpe ratio ? The Sharpe ratio shows how much return the Investor receives per unit of risk. The higher the ratio, the better the risk-adjusted return. When comparing the same profitability of two Traders, the higher Sharpe ratio should be preferred, since the profitability of such a Trader was achieved with the least risks.
Basic information
  • Trader's commission : 15%
  • Contract number: REU-27705867
  • Account type: Cent MT4

Ogni strategia, tecnica o strumento presentato è basato sull’esperienza personale e su analisi di mercato, ma non garantisce risultati futuri. Il trading su mercati finanziari, comprese valute, materie prime, indici e altri strumenti, comporta un alto livello di rischio e può non essere adatto a tutti gli investitori. Le operazioni possono comportare perdite superiori al capitale investito. Prima di intraprendere qualsiasi attività di trading, valuta attentamente i tuoi obiettivi finanziari, il livello di esperienza e la propensione al rischio. L’utente è pienamente responsabile delle proprie decisioni di investimento. Il Master Trader non si assume alcuna responsabilità per perdite, danni o risultati derivanti dall’uso delle strategie. Si consiglia l'utilizzo su ambiente demo.