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Esperio Copy Trading

Earn money with the best traders!

Best Traders Rating

Many novice investors are wondering how to choose a reliable trader with a good reputation in the financial markets? If you want to start working with a professional, such as copying their trades into your account, you should first study the reviews of the best traders. Based on these characteristics, you will be able to choose a suitable and best trader for you.

Rating of top traders and their functions

The rating of the best day traders in Esperio is based on objective indicators and is updated daily. The most active traders are in the list of top traders, on top positions. The probability of a profitable transaction for such masters is the highest. However, those on the list of traders can also set the highest commissions for their services.

First you need to study the profile of the trader. With the help of the filter, it is possible to find out which are the best traders in the history of transactions by selecting the “All time” period.

In addition, all the necessary parameters are already indicated on the page of each trader on the traders rating, so the investor does not need to independently carry out, for example, the calculation of the return on investment ratio.

Traders Rating
Cent account WAYNE_LEGACY2 REU-28115013
Cent account Elvis1984 REU-27242575
Cent account EMIL300486 PP1-25071763
Cent account Ken REU-27832301
VYV LV-27168755
Cent account Heygiova85 REU-28034487
Cent account Frankbeast AI3-27792681
Cent account Imperium REU-28121349

Rating of best traders and its indicators

So, what parameters does the Esperio Traders Rating include?

First of all, we see the index of the size of the trading account, it can be tracked on the chart of the page of one of the participants, taking into account the period
day, month, year.

In addition, the following indicators were taken into account:
  • Trader's profit

    Reflects the maximum and average profit level of a trader for one day
  • Trader's loss

    Shows the average and maximum percentage of losing transactions in daily trading
  • Market volatility

    Shows the degree of change in yield for a particular financial instrument for the entire period or the last 14 days. The lower the volatility, the more stable the instrument, such as the Coca Cola shares.
  • Trading account drawdown

    Cautious traders try not to allow the current drawdown to be more than 3-5% of the amount on the account. If the maximum drawdown on the account does not exceed 10-20%, it is very easy for an investor to assess the risks and try them on the desired investment amount.
  • Capital return ratio

    The indicator reflects the approximate return on investment, measuring profit and loss relative to the size of the initial investment. A positive coefficient means a profit, a negative coefficient means a loss.
  • Sharpe ratio

    An indicator of the performance of a financial asset or portfolio as a whole. The optimal value is 1 or higher. The higher the Sharpe ratio, the more effective the trader's strategy or the results of his portfolio management. Coefficient from 0 to 1 - there are overestimated risks in trading.

The Esperio individual trader rating also includes a commission that a trader charges for their services. In the article Copy trading service we talk in detail about how mutual settlements with an investor are made using a specific example of the Forex market.

The traders rating allows you to find a specialist from anywhere in the world using his contract number. It is by this number that the Esperio broker system recognizes the trading account to which the investor connects. Therefore, it is enough to remember the contract number, consisting of letters and numbers, in order to join the account.

Rating of individual traders:
How are positions determined?

The rating of successful traders provides for a system of evaluation in points, which are assigned to a trader on a specific date based on the results of reporting for the period. Accordingly, the positions of top traders can change every day.

The main number of points is awarded to a trader taking into account the level of trading activity and data on the profitability of transactions.

Additional coefficients are applied to the main points:

  • If a trader has been continuously trading for 7 days up to now, a multiplying coefficient is applied to his points;
  • if a trader has been able to stay in the top 10 traders list for 7 days to date, a multiplier is applied to the base points;
  • if in the course of work the trader has suffered losses higher than those declared, the system charges him a penalty for a drawdown on the account in the form of a decreasing coefficient.

Rating of stock market traders

The Esperio rankings also feature the very best stock traders. With their help, you can use the Esperio Investment Fund service. The rating of stock market traders allows you to choose a manager who will collect an exchange portfolio of assets for an investor. The exchange and the best Esperio traders work together to provide customers with passive income.

Tasks of the Esperio traders list

  • Work in common interest

    The best traders in the history of the Esperio broker make money for the company's clients around the world. Their experience is confirmed by the history of profitability, trading activity and the level of drawdown on the account. At the same time, rating participants are interested and receive remuneration.

  • Security

    Esperio's top traders of all time don't manage investor money. With automatic copying of transactions, the investor retains full control over his own account. He can disable the Esperio Copy Trading service at any time. And also close the deal, set a stop loss or perform other actions.

  • Convenience

    Esperio specialists have developed a multi-level system that automatically calculates coefficients and complex formulas that reflect the trading efficiency of rating participants. Thus, customers only need to go to the site and choose a specialist for yourself. All mutual settlements based on the results of transactions are also made automatically, on a special buffer account.