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  • US: Unit Labour Costs rises 0.9% QoQ in Q4 2021, above expected 0.3%
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US: Unit Labour Costs rises 0.9% QoQ in Q4 2021, above expected 0.3%

  • Unit Labour Costs was revised higher to show a rise of 0.9% QoQ in Q4, much larger than the 0.3% rise expected. 
  • FX markets did not react to the latest labour market data. 

US Unit Labour Costs was revised higher to show a rise of 0.9% QoQ in Q4 2021, above median economists' forecasts for a much smaller rise of 0.3% and an acceleration from Q3's rise of 0.3%, data released by the Bureau of Labour Statistics and Department of Labour said on Thursday. Q4 Non-farm Productivity growth was revised lower to 6.6% QoQ from the prior estimate of 6.7%. 

Market Reaction

Despite a much larger than expected positive revision to Unit Labour Costs, indicative of a hot/tight labour market, the US Dollar Index (DXY) is broadly unmoved. The index continues to trade close to highs of the day in the 97.60s. 

See also