NZIER Business Confidence
Date Actual Forecast Prev
08-04-24 22:00 -25 5 -2
02-10-23 21:00 -52% -63%
03-07-23 22:00 -63% -66%
03-04-23 22:00 -66%
16-01-23 21:00 -70% -42%
03-10-22 21:00 -42% -65%
04-07-22 22:00 -65% -40%
11-04-22 22:00 -40% -28%
17-01-22 21:00 -28% -11
04-10-21 21:00 -11% 7%
05-07-21 22:00 7% -13%
12-04-21 22:00 -13% -6%
18-01-21 21:00 -6% -40%
19-10-20 21:00 -40% -63%
06-04-20 22:00 -70% -21%
13-01-20 21:00 -21% -40% (-35%)
30-09-19 21:00 -35% -34%
01-07-19 22:00 -34% -29%
01-04-19 21:00 -29% -17%
14-01-19 21:00 -17% -30%
01-10-18 21:00 -30% -20%
02-07-18 22:00 -20% -11%
09-04-18 22:00 -11% -12%
15-01-18 21:00 -12% 5%
02-10-17 21:00 5% 18%
03-07-17 22:00 18% 17%
03-04-17 22:00 17% 28%
16-01-17 21:00 28% 26%
04-07-16 22:00 19% 2%
18-01-16 21:00 15% -14%
05-10-15 21:00 -14 5
13-04-15 22:00 23 24 (23)
06-10-14 21:00 19 32
07-07-14 22:00 32 52
07-04-14 22:00 52.0 52.0
13-01-14 21:00 52 38
08-04-13 23:00 23 20
14-01-13 21:00 20 8
08-10-12 21:00 8 -4
10-04-12 22:00 13.0 0
16-01-12 21:00 0 25
03-10-11 21:00 25 27
04-07-11 21:00 27 -27
04-04-11 21:00 -27 8
10-01-11 21:00 8 6
04-10-10 21:00 6 18
05-07-10 11:00 18 22
05-04-10 11:00 22 31
11-01-10 11:00 31 36
05-10-09 11:00 36 -25
06-07-09 11:00 -25 -65
06-04-09 11:00 -65 -64
12-01-09 11:00 -64 -19
06-10-08 11:00 -19 -64
07-07-08 11:00 -64 -64
07-04-08 11:00 -64 -26
14-01-08 11:00 -26 -27
Country New Zealand
Source New Zealand Institute of Economic Research


The index shows the business outlook in New Zealand. The Business Confidence allows analysis of economic situation in the short term. The index based on surveyed about 2500 manufacturers, builders, wholesalers, retailers, and service providers which asks respondents to rate the relative 6-month economic outlook. Above 0 indicates optimism, below indicates pessimism.

Effect of market

The index has a limited influence on the New Zealand dollar dynamics. Generally, the index growth or the actual value rise, exceeding the forecast is a positive sign for the New Zealand currency.