Factory Orders n.s.a. (YoY)
Date Actual Forecast Prev
05-06-15 06:00 0.4% 2.0% (1.9%)
07-05-15 06:00 1.9% -1.3%
08-04-15 06:00 -1.3% -0.3% (-0.1%)
05-03-15 07:00 -0.1% +3.9% (+3.4%)
05-02-15 07:00 +3.4% -0.4%
08-01-15 07:00 -0.4% +2.6% (+2.4%)
05-12-14 07:00 +2.4% -0.7% (-1.0%)
06-11-14 07:00 -1.0% -1.3%
06-10-14 06:00 -1.3% +4.9%
04-09-14 06:00 +4.9% -2.0% (-4.3%)
06-08-14 06:00 -4.3% +7.7% (+5.5%)
04-07-14 06:00 +5.5% +6.3%
05-06-14 06:00 +6.3% +1.5%
07-05-14 06:00 +1.5% +4.3% +6.5% (+6.1%)
04-04-14 10:00 +6.1% +7.1% (+8.4%)
06-03-14 11:00 +7.1% +8.1% +6.0%
06-02-14 11:00 +7.9% +6.8%
08-01-14 11:00 +3.7% +1.9%
06-12-13 11:00 +1.9% +4.1% +7.8% (+7.9%)
06-11-13 11:00 +7.9% +5.6% +3.1%
08-10-13 10:00 +0.1% +3.9% +2.0%
05-09-13 10:00 +2.0% +2.7% +5.6% (+4.3%)
06-08-13 10:00 +3.4% -0.3% -2.0%
05-07-13 10:00 -2.0% +0.1% -0.3% (-0.4%)
06-06-13 10:00 -0.4% -0.2% -0.4%
07-05-13 10:00 -0.4% -2.9% +0.2% (0.0%)
05-04-13 10:00 -2.9% -1.5% -2.5%
07-03-13 11:00 -1.5% +1.6% -1.8%
06-02-13 11:00 -1.8% -1.2% -0.9% (-1.0%)
08-01-13 11:00 -1.0% -0.4% -2.4%
06-12-12 11:00 -2.4% -5.6% -4.7%
06-11-12 11:00 -10.2% -1.5% -4.8%
05-10-12 10:00 -4.8% -4.3% -4.5%
06-09-12 10:00 -4.5% -4.5% -7.8%
07-08-12 10:00 -5.4% -7.0% -5.4%
05-07-12 10:00 -5.4% -6.0% -3.4%
05-06-12 10:00 -3.8% -3.8% -1.3%
07-05-12 10:00 +1.3% -2.8% -6.1%
04-04-12 10:00 -4.5% -5.5% -4.9%
07-03-12 11:00 -2.1% -1.7% -0.1%
06-02-12 11:00 0.0% -4.3%
06-01-12 11:00 -4.3% -1.2% +5.2%
06-12-11 11:00 +2.0% +1.9% +2.4%
04-11-11 11:00 +2.4% +7.5% +3.9%
06-10-11 10:00 +6.3% +4.7% +8.7%
06-09-11 10:00 +8.7% +10.3% +9.5%
04-08-11 10:00 +12.1% +12.2%
06-07-11 10:00 +12.2% +10.0% +10.6%
07-06-11 10:00 +10.5% +9.2% +9.7%
05-05-11 10:00 +9.6% +15.5% +20.1%
06-04-11 10:00 +20.1% +16.0%
08-03-11 11:00 +20.9% +15.6% +19.7
07-02-11 11:00 +21.9% +22.2% +20.6%
06-01-11 11:00 +20.6% +15.8% +14.2%
07-12-10 11:00 17.9% 18.6% 14.0%
05-11-10 11:00 13.9% 24.1%
06-10-10 10:00 24.0% 14.0%
07-09-10 11:00 18.40% 20.80% 24.60%
05-08-10 11:00 24.60% 21.90% 24.80%
07-07-10 11:00 24.80% 24.90% 30.20%
07-06-10 11:00 30.20% 25.40% 26.30%
06-05-10 11:00 26.30% 21.30% 24.70%
07-04-10 11:00 24.70% 21.70% 20.80%
05-03-10 11:00 20.80% 15.40% 6.90%
04-02-10 11:00 6.90% 9.60% 1.70%
07-01-10 11:00 1.70% -0.50% -8.50%
07-12-09 11:00 -8.50% -6.20% -12.40%
06-11-09 11:00 -12.40% -13.60% -20.90%
07-10-09 11:00 -20.90% -19.90% -19.90%
07-09-09 11:00 -19.90% -23.50%
06-08-09 11:00 -23.50% -26.50% -29.00%
07-07-09 11:00 -29.00% -31.20% -33.30%
08-06-09 11:00 -33.30% -35.80% -33.00%
07-05-09 11:00 -33.00% -35.80% -36.20%
08-04-09 11:00 -36.20% -36.50% -33.90%
11-03-09 11:00 -33.90% -26.50% -30.60%
05-02-09 11:00 -30.60% -24.50% -26.10%
08-01-09 11:00 -26.10% -19.70% -18.70%
05-12-08 11:00 -18.70% -11.20% -3.00%
06-11-08 11:00 -3.00% -7.40%
07-10-08 11:00 -7.40% -4.70% -0.30%
04-09-08 11:00 -0.30% -3.40% -6.00%
06-08-08 11:00 -6.00% -4.70% -2.50%
04-07-08 11:00 -2.50% 2.00% 15.00%
05-06-08 11:00 15.00% 6.40% -5.00%
07-05-08 11:00 -5.00% 5.70% 8.90%
04-04-08 11:00 8.90% 6.70% 8.90%
06-03-08 11:00 8.90% 9.90% 6.20%
07-02-08 11:00 6.20% 11.10% 13.10%
08-01-08 11:00 13.10% 7.70% 14.10%
Country Germany
Source Federal Statistical Office of Germany


This indicator represents the alteration of the overall volume of industrial orders, received by industrial enterprises prior to the previous month. It is often serves as a leading indicator of the industrial production dynamics for several months.

Effect of market

This indicator has a marginal impact over the Euro dynamics. The Index growth or the actual value raise exceeding the forecast is a positive sign for the common currency.