Raw Material Price Index
Date Actual Forecast Prev
28-07-15 12:30 0.0% 4.4%
29-06-15 12:30 4.4% 4.0% (3.8%)
28-05-15 12:30 3.8% -1.5% (-0.9%)
29-04-15 12:30 -0.9% 4.5% 5.9% (6.1%)
30-03-15 12:30 6.1% 5.1% -7.8% (-7.7%)
03-03-15 13:30 -7.7% -6.8% -7.5% (-7.6%)
03-02-15 13:30 -7.6% -4.6% -5.7% (-5.8%)
06-01-15 13:30 -5.8% -4.6% -4.3%
28-11-14 13:30 -4.3% +1.5% -2.1% (-1.8%)
29-10-14 12:30 -1.8% +1.5% -2.2%
30-09-14 12:30 -2.2% -1.7% -1.4%
29-08-14 12:30 -1.4% +0.7% +1.1%
30-07-14 12:30 +1.1% +0.6% -0.3% (-0.4%)
27-06-14 12:30 -0.4% +1.3% +0.1%
30-05-14 12:30 +0.1% +1.2% +0.7% (+0.6%)
30-04-14 12:30 +0.6% +1.2% +5.7%
01-04-14 12:30 +5.7% +2.3% +2.8% (+2.6%)
03-03-14 13:30 +2.6% +2.3% +1.8% (+1.9%)
03-02-14 13:30 +1.9% +2.1% -4.2% (-4.1%)
06-01-14 13:30 -4.1% -1.1% -2.3%
28-11-13 13:30 -2.3% -2.1% -1.2% (-1.5%)
29-10-13 12:30 -1.5% -0.4% +0.9%
30-09-13 12:30 +0.9% +3.2% +4.3% (+4.2%)
29-08-13 12:30 +4.2% +1.2% +0.3%
30-07-13 12:30 +4.0% 0.0% +0.2%
28-06-13 12:30 +0.2% +2.3% -2.2% (-2.4%)
30-05-13 12:30 -2.2% -0.7% -1.7%
30-04-13 12:30 -1.7% +0.1% +2.2%
28-03-13 12:30 +2.2% +1.9% +3.8%
28-02-13 13:30 +3.8% +1.1% -2.0%
31-01-13 13:30 -2% +0.9% -1.9%
04-01-13 13:30 -1.9% -0.9% 0.1% (0.0%)
29-11-12 13:30 0.0% -0.4% +1.3%
30-10-12 12:30 +1.3% +1.2% +3.4%
01-10-12 12:30 +3.4% +1.4% +0.8%
29-08-12 12:30 +0.9% +2.3% -4.1%
31-07-12 12:30 -4.0% +1.7% -1.0%
29-06-12 12:30 -1.0% +2.3% -2.0%
30-05-12 12:30 -2.0% +2.1% -1.6%
30-04-12 12:30 -1.6% +0.5% -0.5%
29-03-12 12:30 -0.5% +0.4% +0.1%
01-03-12 13:30 +0.3% 0.0% -2.4%
31-01-12 13:30 -2.4% +0.2% +3.8%
05-01-12 13:30 +3.8% +0.1% -1.0%
30-11-11 13:30 -1.2% +1.5% +1.4%
31-10-11 12:30 +1.4% -2.7% -3.2%
29-09-11 12:30 -3.2% -1.6% -1.2%
30-08-11 12:30 -1.2% -0.1% -2.4%
29-07-11 12:30 -2.2% +1.4% -5.3%
04-07-11 12:30 -5.2% -3.0% +6.9%
31-05-11 12:30 +6.8% +4.2% +5.7%
02-05-11 12:30 +5.7% +2.5% +1.8%
30-03-11 12:30 +11.0% -0.5% +0.3%
02-03-11 13:30 +0.3% +3.3% +4.2%
31-01-11 13:30 +4.2% +2.7% +3.5%
05-01-11 13:30 +3.5% +2.2% +2.1%
29-11-10 13:30 +1,0% +1.1% -0.4%
29-10-10 12:30 -0.4% 0.9% 0.4%
29-09-10 12:30 2.2% 1.8%
30-08-10 11:00 1.80% 0.30% -0.20%
29-07-10 11:00 -0.30% 1.10% -7.30%
29-06-10 11:00 -7.20% -0.30% 1.60%
31-05-10 11:00 1.70% 1.30% 0.80%
30-04-10 11:00 0.80% 0.90% 0.40%
30-03-10 11:00 0.40% -1.00% 3.40%
01-03-10 11:00 3.30% 2.10% -1.70%
29-01-10 11:00 -1.70% 1.40% 2.20%
05-01-10 11:00 2.20% 1.20% 2.50%
30-11-09 11:00 2.50% 3.10% -1.00%
29-10-09 11:00 -1.10% -0.50% 3.80%
30-09-09 11:00 3.70% 2.90% -3.90%
28-08-09 11:00 -3.80% -4.90% 6.20%
30-07-09 11:00 6.20% 3.10% 2.20%
30-06-09 11:00 2.20% 2.00% -0.30%
01-06-09 11:00 -0.50% 6.20% 12.10%
30-04-09 11:00 12.10% 1.90% 1.60%
31-03-09 11:00 1.70% 0.20% 1.50%
27-02-09 11:00 1.40% -2.20% -15.40%
29-01-09 11:00 -15.40% -10.10% -13.40%
06-01-09 11:00 -13.40% -9.00% -12.90%
28-11-08 11:00 -12.50% -7.80% -7.30%
30-10-08 11:00 -7.20% -4.80% -7.70%
30-09-08 11:00 -7.70% -3.30% 1.60%
29-08-08 11:00 1.40% 0.20% 4.30%
30-07-08 11:00 4.40% 3.30% 3.10%
27-06-08 11:00 3.10% 5.10% 5.00%
30-05-08 11:00 5.10% 2.80% 6.70%
30-04-08 11:00 6.60% 1.90% 0.60%
01-04-08 11:00 0.50% 2.60% 3.60%
29-02-08 11:00 3.40% 0.70% 0.40%
01-02-08 11:00 0.20% 0.80% 3.40%
04-01-08 11:00 3.40% 0.80% 0.70%
Country Canada
Source Statistics Canada


This indicator represents the change in the price of raw materials purchased by manufacturers. It's a leading indicator of consumer inflation - when manufacturers pay more for goods the higher costs are usually passed on to the consumer.

Effect of market

Index growth or the actual value raise exceeding the forecast is a positive support to the Canadian Dollar. In general, the growth has a moderate influence over the Canadian currency dynamics.