Economic sentiment index
Date Actual Forecast Prev
08-01-25 10:00 93.7 95.6 95.6 (95.8)
28-11-24 10:00 95.8 95.1 95.7 (95.6)
27-09-24 09:00 96.2 96.5 96.5 (96.6)
29-08-24 09:00 96.6 95.8 96.0 (95.8)
27-03-24 10:00 96.3 96.1 95.5 (95.4)
29-11-23 10:00 93.8 93.7 93.5 (93.3)
30-10-23 10:00 93.3 93 93.4 (93.3)
28-09-23 09:00 93.3 92.5 93.6 (93.3)
30-08-23 08:00 93.3 93.7 94.5
28-07-23 09:00 94.5 95 95.3
29-06-23 09:00 95.3 96 96.4 (96.5)
30-05-23 09:00 96.5 98.9 99 (99.3)
27-04-23 09:00 99.3 99.9 99.2 (99.3)
30-03-23 09:00 99.3 99.8 99.6 (99.7)
27-02-23 10:00 99.7 101 99.8 (99.9)
30-01-23 10:00 99.9 97 97.1 (95.8)
06-01-23 10:00 95.8 94.7 94 (93.7)
29-11-22 10:00 93.7 93.5 92.7 (92.5)
28-10-22 09:00 92.5 92.5 93.6 (93.7)
29-09-22 09:00 93.7 95 97.3 (97.6)
30-08-22 09:00 97.6 98 98.9 (99)
28-07-22 09:00 99 102 103.5 (104)
29-06-22 09:00 104 103 105
30-05-22 09:00 105 104.9 104.9 (105)
02-05-22 09:00 105 108 106.7 (108.5)
30-03-22 09:00 108.5 109 113.9 (114)
25-02-22 10:00 114 113.1 112.7
28-01-22 10:00 112.7 114.5 113.8 (115.3)
07-01-22 10:00 115.3 116 117.6 (117.5)
29-11-21 10:00 117.5 117.5 118.6
28-10-21 09:00 118.6 117.8
29-09-21 09:00 117.8 116.9 117.6 (117.5)
30-08-21 09:00 117.5 117.9 119
29-07-21 09:00 119 118.5 117.9
29-06-21 09:00 117.9 116.5 114.5
28-05-21 09:00 114.5 112.1 110.5 (110.3)
29-04-21 09:00 110.3 102.2 100.9 (101)
30-03-21 09:00 101 96 93.4
25-02-21 10:00 93.4 92 91.5
28-01-21 10:00 91.5 89.5 92.4 (90.4)
07-01-21 10:00 90.4 90 87.7 (87.6)
27-11-20 10:00 87.6 86.5 91.1 (90.9)
29-10-20 10:00 90.9 89.5 90.9 (91.1)
29-09-20 09:00 91.1 89 87.5 (87.7)
28-08-20 09:00 87.7 85 82.4 (82.3)
30-07-20 09:00 82.3 81 75.8 (75.7)
29-06-20 09:00 75.7 80 67.5
28-05-20 09:00 67.5 70.3 64.9 (67)
29-04-20 09:00 67.0 74.7 94.2 (94.5)
30-03-20 09:00 94.5 93 103.4 (103.5)
27-02-20 10:00 103.5 102.8 102.6 (102.8)
30-01-20 10:00 102.8 101.8 101.3 (101.5)
08-01-20 10:00 101.5 101.4 101.2 (101.3)
28-11-19 10:00 101.3 101 100.8
30-10-19 10:00 100.8 101.1 101.7
27-09-19 09:00 101.7 103 103.1
29-08-19 09:00 103.1 102.3 102.7
30-07-19 09:00 102.7 102.6 103.3
27-06-19 09:00 103.3 104.6 105.2 (105.1)
28-05-19 09:00 105.1 104 103.9 (104)
29-04-19 09:00 104 105 105.6 (105.5)
28-03-19 10:00 105.5 105.9 106.2 (106.1)
27-02-19 10:00 106.1 106 106.3 (106.2)
30-01-19 10:00 106.2 106.8 107.4 (107.3)
08-01-19 10:00 107.3 108.4 109.5
29-11-18 10:00 109.5 109 109.7 (109.8)
30-10-18 10:00 109.8 110.0 110.9
27-09-18 09:00 110.9 111.2 111.6
30-08-18 09:00 111.6 111.9 112.1
30-07-18 09:00 112.1 112 112.3
28-06-18 09:00 112.3 112 112.5
30-05-18 09:00 112.5 112.1 112.7
27-04-18 09:00 112.7 112.0 112.7 (112.6)
27-03-18 09:00 112.6 113.4 114.2 (114.1)
27-02-18 10:00 114.1 114.0 114.9 (114.7)
30-01-18 10:00 114.7 116.3 115.3 (116.0)
08-01-18 10:00 116.0 114.8 114.6
29-11-17 10:00 114.6 114.6 114.1 (114)
30-10-17 10:00 114.0 113.4 113.1 (113)
28-09-17 09:00 113.0 112 111.9
30-08-17 09:00 111.9 111.3 111.3 (111.2)
28-07-17 09:00 111.2 110.8 111.1
29-06-17 09:00 111.1 109.5 109.2
30-05-17 09:00 109.2 110 109.7 (109.6)
27-04-17 09:00 109.6 108.1 108 (107.9)
30-03-17 09:00 107.9 108.3 108
27-02-17 10:00 108 108 107.9 (108.2)
30-01-17 10:00 108.2 107.9 107.8
06-01-17 10:00 107.8 106.8 106.6 (106.5)
29-11-16 10:00 106.5 107 106.4 (106.3)
28-10-16 09:00 106.3 104.8 104.9
29-09-16 09:00 104.9 103.5 103.5
30-08-16 09:00 103.5 104.1 104.5 (104.6)
28-07-16 09:00 104.6 103.7 104.4
29-06-16 09:00 104.4 104.7 104.6 (104.7)
30-05-16 09:00 104.7 104.4 104 (103.9)
28-04-16 09:00 103.9 103.4 103
30-03-16 09:00 103 103.8 103.9 (103.8)
26-02-16 10:00 103.8 104.4 105
28-01-16 10:00 105 106.4 106.7 (106.8)
07-01-16 10:00 106.8 106.1 106.1
27-11-15 10:00 106.1 105.9 106.1 (105.9)
29-10-15 10:00 105.9 105.2 105.6
29-09-15 09:00 105.6 104.1 104.1 (104.2)
28-08-15 09:00 104.2 103.8 104
30-07-15 09:00 104 103.3 103.5
29-06-15 09:00 103.5 103.8 103.8
28-05-15 09:00 103.8 103.5 103.8 (103.7)
29-04-15 09:00 103.7 104.1 103.9
30-03-15 09:00 103.9 103.1 102.1
26-02-15 10:00 102.0 101.4 (101.2)
29-01-15 10:00 101.2 101.4 100.8
08-01-15 10:00 100.7 100.7
27-11-14 10:00 100.8 100.3 100.7
30-10-14 10:00 100.7 99.5 99.9
28-08-14 09:00 100.6 102.2
30-07-14 09:00 102.2 102.1 (102.0)
29-04-14 09:00 102.0 102.9 102.5
28-03-14 10:00 102.4 101.3 101.2
27-02-14 10:00 101.2 101.0 101.0 (100.9)
30-01-14 10:00 100.9 101.0 100.4 (100.0)
09-01-14 10:00 100.0 99.0 98.5
30-10-13 10:00 97.8 97.2 96.9
27-09-13 09:00 96.9 95.9 95.2
30-08-13 09:00 95.2 93.8 92.5
30-07-13 09:00 92.5 92.5 91.3
27-06-13 09:00 91.3 90.4 89.4
30-05-13 09:00 89.4 89.4 88.6
29-04-13 09:00 88.6 89.4 90.1 (90.0)
27-03-13 10:00 90.1 90.5 91.1
27-02-13 10:00 91.1 89.8 89.5
30-01-13 10:00 89.5 88.2 87.8
08-01-13 10:00 87.8 86.5 85.7
29-11-12 10:00 85.7 84.2 84.3
30-10-12 10:00 84.5 84 85.2
27-09-12 09:00 85 86.1 86.1
30-08-12 09:00 86.1 87.5 87.9
30-07-12 09:00 87.9 88.7 89.9
28-06-12 09:00 89.9 89.5 90.5
30-05-12 09:00 90.5 92 92.9
26-04-12 09:00 92.9 94.2 94.5
29-03-12 09:00 94.4 94.5 94.5
28-02-12 10:00 94.4 94.0 93.4
30-01-12 10:00 93.4 93.8 93.3
06-01-12 10:00 93.3 93.2 93.8
29-11-11 10:00 93.8 94.0 94.8
27-10-11 09:00 94.8 95.0
29-09-11 09:00 95.0 96.0 98.4
30-08-11 09:00 98.4 103.0
28-07-11 09:00 103.0 104.0 105.4
29-06-11 09:00 105.4 105.1 105.5
27-05-11 09:00 105.5 106.1
26-04-11 09:00 106.1 107.3
30-03-11 09:00 107.3 107.6 108.0
24-02-11 10:00 108.0 106.7 106.8
27-01-11 10:00 106.8 106.2
06-01-11 10:00 106.2 105.3
29-11-10 10:00 105.3 104.8 104.1
28-10-10 09:00 104.1 103.2 103.2
Country Eurozone
Source European Commission, DGEFA


The indicator bases on the results of numerous surveys und designed to forecast the direction of the Euro Zone economy. The economic sentiment indicator is composed of the industrial confidence indicator (40%), the service confidence indicator (30%), the consumer confidence indicator (20%), the construction confidence indicator (5%), and the retail trade confidence indicator (5%). Each indictor is the balance of positive and negative responses. If there are more optimistic responses the headline figure will be positive, while a greater number of negative responses will result in negative figure. The strength of the sentiment can be seen in the magnitude of the figure.

Effect of market

This indicator has a marginal impact over the Euro dynamics. The Index growth or the actual value raise exceeding the forecast is a positive sign for the common currency.