Housing Starts
Date Actual Forecast Prev
17-01-25 13:30 1.499 1.32 1.294
18-12-24 13:30 1.289 1.34 1.312
19-11-24 13:30 1.311 1.34 1.354
18-10-24 12:30 1.354 1.35 1.351 (1.356)
18-09-24 12:30 1.356 1.25 1.237 (1.238)
16-08-24 12:30 1.238 1.33 1.329 (1.353)
17-07-24 12:30 1.353 1.31 1.314 (1.277)
20-06-24 12:30 1.277 1.37 1.352 (1.36)
16-05-24 12:30 1.36 1.41 1.321
16-04-24 12:30 1.321 1.48 1.521
19-03-24 12:30 1.521 1.435 1.331
16-02-24 13:30 1.331 1.46 1.46
18-01-24 13:30 1.46 1.429 1.525 (1.56)
19-12-23 13:30 1.56 1.36 1.372
17-11-23 13:30 1.372 1.345 1.358
18-10-23 12:30 1.358 1.38 1.269 (1.283)
19-09-23 12:30 1.283 1.44 1.447 (1.452)
16-08-23 12:30 1.452 1.448 1.398 (1.434)
19-07-23 12:30 1.434 1.48 1.559 (1.631)
20-06-23 12:30 1.631 1.4 1.34 (1.401)
17-05-23 12:30 1.401 1.4 1.371 (1.42)
18-04-23 12:30 1.42 1.4 1.432 (1.45)
16-03-23 12:30 1.45 1.31 1.321 (1.309)
16-02-23 13:30 1.309 1.36 1.371 (1.382)
19-01-23 13:30 1.382 1.359 1.401 (1.427)
20-12-22 13:30 1.427 1.4 1.434 (1.425)
17-11-22 13:30 1.425 1.41 1.488 (1.439)
19-10-22 12:30 1.439 1.475 1.566 (1.575)
20-09-22 12:30 1.575 1.445 1.404 (1.446)
16-08-22 12:30 1.446 1.54 1.599 (1.559)
19-07-22 12:30 1.559 1.58 1.591 (1.549)
16-06-22 12:30 1.549 1.701 1.81 (1.724)
18-05-22 12:30 1.724 1.765 1.728 (1.793)
19-04-22 12:30 1.793 1.745 1.788 (1.769)
17-03-22 12:30 1.769 1.69 1.657 (1.638)
17-02-22 13:30 1.638 1.7 1.708 (1.703)
19-01-22 13:30 1.702 1.65 1.678 (1.679)
16-12-21 13:30 1.679 1.568 1.502 (1.52)
17-11-21 13:30 1.52 1.576 1.53 (1.555)
19-10-21 12:30 1.555 1.62 1.58 (1.615)
21-09-21 12:30 1.615 1.555 1.554 (1.534)
18-08-21 12:30 1.534 1.6 1.65 (1.643)
20-07-21 12:30 1.643 1.59 1.546 (1.572)
16-06-21 12:30 1.572 1.63 1.517 (1.569)
18-05-21 12:30 1.569 1.71 1.733 (1.739)
16-04-21 12:30 1.739 1.613 1.457 (1.421)
17-03-21 12:30 1.421 1.56 1.584 (1.58)
18-02-21 13:30 1.58 1.658 1.68 (1.669)
21-01-21 13:30 1.669 1.56 1.578 (1.547)
17-12-20 13:30 1.547 1.53 1.528 (1.53)
18-11-20 13:30 1.53 1.46 1.459 (1.415)
20-10-20 12:30 1.415 1.457 1.388 (1.416)
17-09-20 12:30 1.416 1.478 1.492 (1.496)
18-08-20 12:30 1.496 1.24 1.22 (1.186)
17-07-20 12:30 1.186 1.169 1.011 (0.974)
17-06-20 12:30 0.974 1.095 0.934 (0.891)
19-05-20 12:30 0.891 0.927 1.276 (1.216)
16-04-20 12:30 1.216 1.3 1.564 (1.599)
18-03-20 12:30 1.599 1.5 1.624 (1.567)
19-02-20 13:30 1.567 1.425 1.626 (1.608)
17-01-20 13:30 1.608 1.375 1.375 (1.365)
17-12-19 13:30 1.365 1.345 1.323 (1.314)
19-11-19 13:30 1.314 1.32 1.266 (1.256)
17-10-19 12:30 1.256 1.32 1.386 (1.364)
18-09-19 12:30 1.364 1.25 1.215 (1.191)
16-08-19 12:30 1.191 1.257 1.241 (1.253)
17-07-19 12:30 1.253 1.261 1.265 (1.269)
18-06-19 12:30 1.269 1.239 1.281 (1.235)
16-05-19 12:30 1.235 1.205 1.168 (1.139)
19-04-19 12:30 1.139 1.23 1.142 (1.162)
26-03-19 12:30 1.162 1.213 1.273 (1.23)
08-03-19 13:30 1.23 1.197 1.037 (1.078)
26-02-19 13:30 1.078 1.25 1.214 (1.256)
18-12-18 13:30 1.256 1.225 1.217 (1.228)
20-11-18 13:30 1.228 1.23 1.21 (1.201)
17-10-18 12:30 1.201 1.22 1.268 (1.282)
19-09-18 12:30 1.282 1.235 1.174 (1.168)
16-08-18 12:30 1.168 1.26 1.158 (1.173)
18-07-18 12:30 1.173 1.32 1.337 (1.35)
19-06-18 12:30 1.35 1.31 1.286 (1.287)
16-05-18 12:30 1.287 1.31 1.336 (1.319)
17-04-18 12:30 1.319 1.27 1.295 (1.236)
16-03-18 12:30 1.236 1.29 1.329 (1.326)
16-02-18 13:30 1326 1234 1209 (1192)
18-01-18 13:30 1192 1275 1299 (1297)
19-12-17 13:30 1297 1230 1256 (1290)
17-11-17 13:30 1290 1180 1135 (1127)
18-10-17 12:30 1127 1174 1183 (1180)
19-09-17 12:30 1180 1180 1190 (1155)
16-08-17 12:30 1155 1220 1213 (1215)
19-07-17 12:30 1215 1155 1122 (1092)
16-06-17 12:30 1092 1215 1156 (1172)
16-05-17 12:30 1172 1260 1203 (1215)
18-04-17 12:30 1215 1250 1303 (1288)
16-03-17 12:30 1288 1260 1251 (1246)
16-02-17 13:30 1246 1222 1279 (1226)
19-01-17 13:30 1226 1200 1102 (1090)
16-12-16 13:30 1090 1225 1340 (1323)
17-11-16 13:30 1323 1156 1054 (1047)
19-10-16 12:30 1047 1175 1150 (1142)
20-09-16 12:30 1142 1191 1212 (1211)
16-08-16 12:30 1211 1180 1186 (1189)
19-07-16 12:30 1189 1170 1135 (1164)
17-06-16 12:30 1164 1150 1167 (1172)
17-05-16 12:30 1172 1130 1099 (1089)
19-04-16 12:30 1089 1170 1194 (1178)
16-03-16 12:30 1178 1150 1120 (1099)
17-02-16 13:30 1099 1170 1143 (1149)
20-01-16 13:30 1149 1200 1179 (1173)
16-12-15 13:30 1173 1135 1062 (1060)
18-11-15 13:30 1060 1160 1191 (1206)
20-10-15 12:30 1206 1150 1132 (1126)
17-09-15 12:30 1126 1170 1161 (1206)
18-08-15 12:30 1206 1190 1204 (1174)
17-07-15 12:30 1174 1110 1069 (1036)
16-06-15 12:30 1036 1100 1165 (1135)
19-05-15 12:30 1135 1019 944 (926)
16-04-15 12:30 930 1040 910 (0.90)
17-03-15 12:30 900 1050 1080 (1.07)
18-02-15 13:30 1065 1070 1090 (1089)
21-01-15 13:30 1090 1040 1040 (1.028)
16-12-14 13:30 1028 1025 1045 (1009)
19-11-14 13:30 1009 1025 1038 (1.017)
17-10-14 12:30 1020 1020 960
18-09-14 12:30 960 1040 1120 (1.09)
19-08-14 12:30 1090 970 945 (0.893)
17-07-14 12:30 890 1020 990 (1.00)
17-06-14 12:30 1000 1040 1070
16-05-14 12:30 1070 980 946
16-04-14 12:30 946 970 920 (0.907)
18-03-14 12:30 907 910 909 (0.880)
19-02-14 13:30 880 943 1050 (0.999)
17-01-14 13:30 999 1000 1107 (1.091)
18-12-13 13:30 889 921 1091
18-12-13 13:30 873 910 891
18-12-13 13:30 1091 950 891
18-09-13 12:30 891 923 883 (0.896)
16-08-13 12:30 896 905 846 (0.836)
17-07-13 12:30 836 950 928 (0.914)
18-06-13 12:30 914 950 856 (0.853)
16-05-13 12:30 850 980 1020 (1.036)
16-04-13 12:30 1040 930 970 (0.917)
19-03-13 12:30 917 915 910 (0.890)
20-02-13 13:30 890 925 970 (0.954)
17-01-13 13:30 954 888 851 (0.861)
19-12-12 13:30 861 873 894
20-11-12 13:30 894 840 863 (0.872)
17-10-12 12:30 872 770 760
19-09-12 12:30 750 765 733
16-08-12 12:30 746 754
18-07-12 12:30 760 745 708
19-06-12 12:30 708 720 717
16-05-12 12:30 717 680 654
17-04-12 12:30 654 705 698
20-03-12 12:30 698 700 699
16-02-12 13:30 699 670 689
19-01-12 13:30 657 685 685
20-12-11 13:30 685 630 627
17-11-11 13:30 628 610 658
19-10-11 12:30 658 594 572
20-09-11 12:30 571 590 601
16-08-11 12:30 604 608 613
19-07-11 12:30 629 575 560
16-06-11 12:30 560 540 523
17-05-11 12:30 523 570 549
19-04-11 12:30 549 515 479
16-03-11 12:30 479 565 596
16-02-11 13:30 596 537 529
19-01-11 13:30 529 550 555
16-12-10 13:30 550 550 520
17-11-10 13:30 519 600 610
19-10-10 12:30 610 583 598
21-09-10 12:30 590 550 540
17-08-10 11:00 550 570 540
20-07-10 11:00 550 580 580
16-06-10 11:00 590 650 660
18-05-10 11:00 670 660 640
16-04-10 11:00 630 600 620
16-03-10 11:00 580 570 610
17-02-10 11:00 590 580 580
20-01-10 11:00 560 580 580
16-12-09 11:00 570 590 530
18-11-09 11:00 530 610 590
20-10-09 11:00 590 620 590
17-09-09 11:00 600 600 590
18-08-09 11:00 580 600 590
17-07-09 11:00 580 530 560
16-06-09 11:00 530 480 450
19-05-09 11:00 460 520 530
16-04-09 11:00 510 540 570
17-03-09 11:00 580 450 480
18-02-09 11:00 470 530 560
22-01-09 11:00 550 610 650
16-12-08 11:00 630 740 770
19-11-08 11:00 790 780 830
17-10-08 11:00 820 880 870
17-09-08 11:00 900 950 950
19-08-08 11:00 970 970 1080
17-07-08 11:00 1070 960 980
17-06-08 11:00 980 990 1010
16-05-08 11:00 1030 940 950
16-04-08 11:00 950 1010 1080
18-03-08 11:00 1070 1000 1070
20-02-08 11:00 1010 1010 1000
17-01-08 11:00 1010 1150 1170
18-12-07 11:00 1190 1180 1230
20-11-07 11:00 1230 1170 1190
17-10-07 11:00 1190 1280 1330
19-09-07 11:00 1330 1360 1370
16-08-07 11:00 1380 1410 1470
18-07-07 11:00 1470 1450 1430
19-06-07 11:00 1470 1480 1510
16-05-07 11:00 1530 1490 1490
17-04-07 11:00 1520 1500 1510
20-03-07 11:00 1530 1440 1400
16-02-07 11:00 1410 1610 1640
18-01-07 11:00 1640 1570 1570
Country U.S.
Source U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development


The index represents the number of opening construction projectslaying of the foundation for the future objects. Even though the index is a monthly calculated data, its value is presented in annual format (x12). It is one of the most important indicators of the national economy health, since house building growth initiates a strong ripple effect, such as creating new jobs for construction workers, associate contractors along with increasing demand for various construction services.

Effect of market

The index importance is slightly decreasing on the back of the simultaneous publication of building permits statistics which is a better operativehouse building industry situation indicator (laying on the new foundation takes place after obtaining the permit). The index growth or the actual value rise, exceeding the forecast, the index growth may have both positive and negative effect for the Dollar, depending on the market situation.