Date | Actual | Forecast | Prev |
27-10-23 00:30 | 3.8% | 3.9% | |
28-07-23 01:30 | 3.9% | 4.9% (5.2%) | |
28-04-23 01:30 | 5.2% | 5.8% | |
27-01-23 00:30 | 5.8% | 6.4% | |
28-10-22 00:30 | 6.4% | 5.6% | |
29-07-22 01:30 | 5.6% | 4.9% | |
29-04-22 01:30 | 4.9% | 3.7% | |
28-01-22 00:30 | 3.7% | 2.9% | |
29-10-21 00:30 | 2.9% | 2.2% | |
30-07-21 01:30 | 2.2% | 0.2% | |
30-04-21 01:30 | 0.2% | -0.1% | |
29-01-21 00:30 | -0.1% | -0.4% | |
30-10-20 00:30 | -0.4% | -0.4% | |
31-07-20 01:30 | -0.4% | 1.3% | |
01-05-20 01:30 | 1.3% | 1.4% | |
31-01-20 00:30 | 1.4% | 1.4% | 1.6% |
01-11-19 00:30 | 1.6% | 1.8% | 2% |
02-08-19 01:30 | 2% | 1.9% | 1.9% |
26-04-19 01:30 | 1.9% | 2% | 2% |
01-02-19 00:30 | 2% | 2.1% | |
02-11-18 00:30 | 2.1% | 1.5% | |
27-07-18 01:30 | 1.5% | 0.7% | 1.7% |
27-04-18 01:30 | 1.7% | 1.2% | 1.7% |
02-02-18 00:30 | 1.7% | 1.2% | 1.6% |
27-10-17 00:30 | 1.6% | 1.7% | |
28-07-17 01:30 | 1.7% | 1.3% | |
28-04-17 01:30 | 1.3% | 0.7% | |
27-01-17 00:30 | 0.7% | 0.5% | |
28-10-16 00:30 | 0.5% | 1% | |
29-07-16 01:30 | 1.0% | 1.2% | |
29-04-16 01:30 | 1.2% | 1.9% | |
29-01-16 00:30 | 1.9% | 1.7% | |
30-10-15 00:30 | 1.7% | 1.1% | |
31-07-15 01:30 | 1.1% | 0.7% | |
01-05-15 01:30 | 0.7% | 1.1% | |
30-01-15 00:30 | +1.1% | +1.2% | |
31-10-14 00:30 | +1.2% | +2.6% | +2.3% |
01-08-14 01:30 | +2.3% | +2.5% | |
02-05-14 01:30 | +2.5% | +2.1% | +1.9% |
31-01-14 00:30 | +1.9% | +2.7% | +1.9% |
01-11-13 00:30 | +1.9% | +1.2% | |
02-08-13 01:30 | +1.2% | +1.6% | +1.6% |
03-05-13 01:30 | +1.6% | +1.6% | +1.0% |
01-02-13 00:30 | +1.0% | +1.2% | +1.1% |
02-11-12 00:30 | +1.1% | +1.6% | +1.1% |
23-07-12 01:30 | +1.1% | +1.0% | +1.4% |
23-04-12 01:30 | +1.4% | +2.2% | +2.9% |
23-01-12 00:30 | +2.9% | +3.0% | +2.7% |
24-10-11 00:30 | +2.7% | +2.9% | +3.4% |
25-07-11 01:30 | +3.4% | +2.9% | |
21-04-11 01:30 | +2.9% | +2.7% | |
24-01-11 00:30 | 2.70% | 3.20% | 2.20% |
25-10-10 01:30 | 2.20% | 1.00% | |
26-07-10 11:00 | 1.00% | 1.50% | -0.10% |
27-04-10 11:00 | -0.10% | -0.60% | -1.50% |
25-01-10 11:00 | -1.50% | -0.90% | 0.20% |
26-10-09 11:00 | 0.20% | 0.50% | 2.10% |
20-07-09 11:00 | 2.10% | 4.00% | |
20-04-09 11:00 | 4.00% | 4.90% | 6.40% |
27-01-09 11:00 | 6.40% | 5.20% | 5.60% |
20-10-08 11:00 | 5.60% | 4.70% | |
21-07-08 11:00 | 4.70% | 4.80% | |
21-04-08 11:00 | 4.80% | 3.90% | 2.80% |
21-01-08 11:00 | 2.80% | 3.30% | 2.40% |
The index represents the alteration of the industrial sale prices level of goods. It is one of the inflation indicators. It represents the inflationary pressures from manufacturers on the economy. Since it analyzes the price changes that take place before goods reach the retail level, it provides the provisional estimate of inflationary pressure which faces consumers buying finished goods. The manufacturers’ prices increase may not have an impact on the consumer price index due to the possible trade sector expenses fall.
Effect of market
It has a moderate influence on the rate of the Australian Dollar. The Index growth compared with previous month or the actual value raise over the forecast may provide a shot timesupport to the Australian currency.